
4 Fish to Target While Inshore Fishing

Just a few weeks ago, I put up an article about 6 saltwater fish that fight. I wanted to write another article today about an upcoming trip where we will be doing some inshore fishing.

I have been doing to a little research for our upcoming trip next year and started to looking into some fishing trips. We have been on many charters but have never taken an inshore fishing trip. So I think that’s exactly what we will do.

To share a little on my thinking of these specific fish selected below, I focused on where we would be taking our trip. We will be taking an Navarre, Florida fishing charter. Today, we will go over four types of fish that can be targeted, so let’s get started.


Redfish A.K.A Ocean Perch

As you can see, younger fish has a lighter color and more mature Redfish will have a reddish color

Found in the Atlantic Ocean and the Golf of Mexico, Redfish goes by many names. Some common names are, Channel Bass, Puppy Drum, Red Drum and as mentioned above, Ocean Perch.

At one point in the 80’s, laws had to be put into place to protect this fish from being over targeted. Since then, the Redfish has made a big comeback  and are now legal to fish again. However, most if not all states have low bag/size limits on this fish.

Size of Redfish

  • Redfish matures in between 3-5 years
  • Common mature length on male Redfish is around 28 inches, and 33 inches for females
  • An adult female weight can get to around 90 pounds

Where to find Redfish

You can find and fish Redfish in the Atlantic Ocean and Golf of Mexico. You will find them in shallow waters with on the edge of bays and in vegetation.

How do they taste

The Redfish is a very tasty fish. They have a sweet mild flavor with large moist flakes and a firmer meat. They are commonly described as comparable to the Red Snapper. Though Redfish are edible in larger sizes, many people prefer them in the 15 pound range. It is noted that this fish may start to get more “gamey” as they grow past that weight.

Speckled Trout

Though not in the same family as trout, the Speckled or Spotted Sea Trout carries its name because they look so closely aligned with river trout.  Speckled Trout are actually a part of the Drum Fish family.

This fish is plentiful, mostly due to fishing regulations. Many states do not allow gillnets to be used when fishing the Speckled Trout. This being said, most of this species are caught using line and lures.

Size of Speckled Trout

Speckled Trout is not a huge fish.

  • Adult males average 19 inches with females averaging 25 inches
  • Normal caught weight of the Spotted Trout is between 1-5 pounds. Anything over 8 pounds is pretty rare with the world record being around 17.5 pounds.

Where to find Speckled Trout

These fish are found in the Golf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean.

This species of fish has a long spawning season which contributes to their plentiful population. It ranges from spring through the summer. During this time, you can find Speckled Trout in shallow bays with plenty of sea grass or other heavy vegetation.

After Spawning season and when the water temperature starts to drop, these fish move into deeper waters throughout the Atlantic and Golf.

How do they taste

This fish has small flakes with a meaty texture and has a briny flavor.

Flounder Inshore Fishing

Flounder comes in many sizes and colors. Actually, Flounder is a generic name for any flat fish. They are very common in many waters.

Flounder are known to be the camouflage master. They are flat with two eyes on top allowing them to stay on the bottom of the ocean always searching for food. The upside of this fish blends in with its surrounding making it hard to see by predators. The underside of the Flounder is mostly pale or colorless.

Flounder Size

The size of Flounder can very since it shares the name with all flat fish. The Florida state record is 20.9 pounds to give you an idea on size in the U.S..

Where to fish Flounder

Flounder can be found in many different places in the United States. From the Atlantic to the Pacific and pretty much anywhere in between. They can be found offshore and inshore.

How do Flounder taste

The flavor profile of Flounder is a mild sweet with small flakes and thin meat.


I’m sure you have seen the viral video of the man catching a Tarpon off of a dock by hand (video above). Tarpon can be aggressive and are fun catch.

Tarpon is an air breathing fish that is part of the Megalops family. They are silver and shiny with scales covering the whole body besides it’s head. This species is a sought after fish for anglers that is known to put up a great fight.

Tarpon Size

The common size of Tarpon can range between four to eight feet long ranging in weight from 60 to 280 pounds. The world record Tarpon is roughly estimated at just over 300 pounds.

Where to fish Tarpon

The Tarpon species has a wide range in the ocean but mostly found in the tropical waters of the western Atlantic. In the U.S., thy can easily be found in the Golf of Mexico and Florida.

How do Tarpon taste

Though Tarpon is edible, they are mostly fished for sport only. Tarpon is a very boney fish that is hard to clean. There is also not a big market for the taste of Tarpon.

In The End

In the end, there are many other fish you can go after when inshore fishing like Sheephead and Jack Crevalle among many others. The above species I covered above are the ones I have been researching. I believe we have narrowed our choice down between Tarpon or Spekled Trout. I believe we will have a great time wither way.

6 Saltwater Game Fish That Fight

Saltwater fishing is a once in a lifetime opportunity for most people. If you are lucky enough to have that opportunity, chances are you will have memories for a lifetime. With the cost to go out for the day being so high, you want to make sure you are targeting your dream fish.

There are many types of deep sea fishing in different price ranges, but today we are going to cover some big fish fighting game. I say, if your going to do it, go big! If your lucky enough to hook into one of the below, you are guaranteed to come home tired and satisfied.

Credit: Slippy Slappy


If there is one thing you can say about Wahoo, is that they are very fast. These fish can get up to 60 miles per hour. When they hit your bait, they hit hard and run. There are a couple different fishing strategies but the most common is fast trolling. You will find Wahoo in tropical to subtropical waters year round.

Not only will Wahoo give you a fierce fight, they are also highly sought after for taste. Wahoo normal size is between 40″-65″ with the heaviest recorded at 158 pounds. Here is more information on the Wahoo.

Credit: Nic Taylor


Tarpon is one of the most sought after big game fish for saltwater anglers. People travel the world for their chance to hook into one of these beauties. The Tarpon is a beautiful fish and the fight is wonderful thing to watch. These fish can launch themselves 10 feet out of the water during your battle. Besides the fight, another cool thing about tarpon is that you can spot fish them in shallow water.

Tarpon can be found in warm water. One of the most popular place is Boca. These fish have been recorded up to 8 feet long and weighing as much as 355 pounds. You can check out tips specifically for Boca Grande Tarpon fishing that gives more information on fishing this beast.

Credit: Luyen Chou


A fish with a restaurant named after it (Bonefish Grill). Like the Tarpon, Bonefish are on the top of many anglers list to fish. People will plan a whole vacation around fishing these oddly named fish. Not nearly as big as the other fish on this list, some may not think they are worth the time and may pass over the chance. If you ever get the chance to fish for Bonefish, DON”T PASS IT UP! They may only reach 20 or so pounds, but the fight they give is priceless.

The best way to fish these type of fish it by sight fishing with a fly rod. When they hot, you will know it and the these rockets take off, so hold on tight. If you want a good fight on smaller gear, Bonefish may just be what your looking for.

Credit: Kim


Marlin of course is probably the fist thing you think of when thinking bog game saltwater fishing. And of course it is going to be on our list. If you think of the movie fast and furious, you will know what to expect when you hook into a Marlin.

These are smart, stealthy, big and violent fish. If you get the pleasure of going a round with one, you will remember it for the rest of your life.

There are many types of Marlin and they can be found by trolling off shore in tropical seas.  Believe it or not, female Marlin are much bigger than males. They can reach up to 14 feet in length and over 1,800 pounds!

Credit: Jonathan Vail


Like Marlin, the Sailfish is a worthy opponent for anyone wanting a fight of a lifetime. They are huge, fight hard and jump as good as any other. On top of all of that, they are fast, being clocked at up to 56 miles per hour! Your gear along with your body will be begging for for mercy. Though Sailfish are  smaller in size than Marlin, they give you a run for your money.

Sailfish average in size around 9-10 feet on the large size, weighing roughly  170-200 pounds. They can be found in most open water. There are many types of Sailfish and are known to migrate.

Credit: Florida Fish and Wildlife


Greater Amberjack is the last on our list of saltwater game fish that fight. They hit violently and fight with an enduring livelihood. Amberjack hang out around cover like wrecks and reefs. Something to keep in mind is that they will head for that cover when they feel a threat.

Amberjack are found in warm waters with heavier cover. The average weight is a tough fighting 40 pounds. Not as big as some of the others on the list but they give one heck of a fight. You can plan on a hour or so to get the fighter in and they are runners!

In conclusion

There are many worthy fish in the sea that will give you a fight of a lifetime, above is a list of our “bucket list” fish to catch. For the everyday angler, checking one of these off their list may be the trip of a lifetime. Checking them all off…well, a guy can dream.

If you have had the pleasure of tangling with of of these beasts or another, we would love for you to contact us to share your story.