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8 Scents Giving you Away in the Woods
All deer hunters know about scents. It amazes me how many hunters know but don’t take it to heart. Sure, some are things that you may not think of, but others are just out of laziness.
If you find yourself saying “why don’t I ever see deer” while out hunting, look through the list below. I bet your forgetting about one of these scents that are giving you away.
Scents That Are Giving You Away
Let’s start with the most obvious, you hunting clothes. Believe it or not, I know guys that throw their bibs in the washer using the detergent the wife gets from the store! I know it smells fresh but you don’t want that smell in the woods. The scent from regular detergent lasts for a very long time. Just don’t use it.
I know others that just don’t wash their clothes but yearly. Sure, your not introducing any scents from detergent but you are introducing your sweat, body odor and even gun powder and decaying blood.
Make sure to wash your hunting clothes using a scent free detergent. It’s even better if you hand wash them keeping everything out of the washer machine.
Soap and Shampoo
Everyone showers and it is a good idea to do so before hitting the woods. You need to get rid of the smell of life. But, how are you showering is the question. Using that smelly soap and shampoo? It is recommended to get some sent free soap and shampoo to use. One bar of scent free soap and a bottle of scent free shampoo should last you the whole hunting season. Spend the $7, its worth it.
Yes, it is a smart idea to wear deodorant while hunting, its the type that is important. You don’t want to smell like football player showing after a game. Keep the sport stick in the cabinet. Go with the scent free deodorant picked up from the hunting section at Walmart.
Your Shave Cream or Bead Oil
Guys grow beards during hunting season for a reason. If you need to shave (work?), use your scent free soap and shave in the shower. You do not want that cool shave cream smell on you while hunting. It is an easily forgotten step that many forget about.
If you have a beard or grow it out during hunting season, don’t forget about beard oil. If you want to brush your beard so you look good for your buddies, more power to you, but stay away from the oil during the season.
Your Boots
Do you wear your work boots out in the field? How old are your hunting boots? Just like shoes, boots hold odor and your wife is not the only one that can smell them. Deer have very good noses and can smell your rank feet through your boots. It is recommended to use odor control powder, even if they are new.
During the rut, I also add a couple drops of doe urine by putting about two drops on the back of my boots near the sole. Yes, deer can separate the two smells of the doe urine and you but during the rut, they are more interested in her and not you.
I will also say that many people will tell you not to put doe scent on any part of you, so do it at your own risk. Below is a video of why you shouldn’t. It’s funny but also dangerous.
Your Cigarette or Chewing Tobacco
I was one of these guys when I was younger. Just don’t smoke nor dip/chew while hunting. I know the crave, I know its hard but just don’t. Deer can smell dip/chew just as much as cigarette smoke.
I stopped dipping a long time back but still enjoy cigars every once in a while. I always have one in the truck to enjoy on the way to check in my kill.
Your Car
Yes, even your car has a smell! Even if you don’t smoke, your car has smells. Think about what happens in your car/truck… Food, drinks, leather seats, cleaning products, etc. Always have some scent block in your vehicle to spray yourself down after getting out and before hitting the woods.
Your Gun
Not such an issue with compound or crossbows (or even with your crossbow accessories),but guns are scent crazy. Whenever you discharge your firearm, you smell your shot. Traces of that old gunpowder stays in your chamber and barrel. If you do things right, you clean your gun every time you discharge it. When you clean your gun, your using powerful chemicals and oils to do so. I clean guns smells good to us but is a dead giveaway to deer.
This is the hardest scent to get around and hide. Your best bet is to clean your gun and let it sit before hitting the woods. Your pretty much stuck with this scent but you can do what you can.
Above are a handful of scents that some people don’t think about. The biggest thing to remember is to think it through. Remember, deer can smell better than dogs and they know what scents to expect in the woods. If/when they smell something out of place, they will take the log way around and that is a fact. So set your self up for successful deer hunt and think about your scent.
6 Things You Must Have to Go Deer Hunting
There are a lot of unnecessary stuff you might be tempted to carry when going deer hunting. It may be quite expensive, bulky and tiring to bring a lot of gear that you will not necessarily use. Bringing few hunting gear can make your work easier leading to more success in your deer hunting. This article discusses the most vital items you need to pack before going hunting.
- Choose your weapon
To be a successful hunter, you must have a weapon. Getting this weapon comes after the evaluation several factors. The choice of a weapon is also determined by your state’s hunting regulations. Consider quality before purchasing any hunting weapon and try to read the review before the pick. Many websites like provides quality review on different hunting equipment.
– Not all types of gun sizes will be legally acceptable.
– There are particular seasons of the year when a specific type of gun is it a muzzle revolver, a shotgun or a rifle should be used.
– Some states do not allow high powered rifle in deer hunting.
– Check on the minimum poundage requirements.
– Check on your state’s laws concerning the use of cross bow in harvesting whitetail deer.
- License to Kill
Before you go hunting, you must possess a legally accepted license or permit for deer hunting. Some states also require newbie hunters and other non-residents have a basic hunter safety education program. In most cases, it is a 10-hour course that enlightens deer hunters about their safety, responsibility and makes them knowledgeable about the wildlife conversation. Upon completion, hunters receive a certification to depict the same.
- The right dressing
It is the time you figure out what you should wear. Your dressing will mostly be determined by the time of the year, and it can either be lightweight gear or heavy gear. There are few factors to consider when going for your gear.
– Always consult from the local weather forecast department for their weather predictions.
– Make use of a scent-less soap when washing your clothes to eliminate any foreign odors.
– Layering the clothes is the most suitable way of staying warm.
– Consider the terrain you will be at and choose then right camouflage pattern to match the terrain.
– Consider wearing gloves and mask to get a better blending and control of scent.
– Consider wearing or bringing in some rain attires to keep dry.
– Have a comfortable gear of hunting boots.
- Hunting Optics Binoculars or Rimfire/ Rifle Scope
An good pair of hunting optics is something you will need. The binoculars or rimfire scope will help you in spotting whitetails a distance away and can determine your success in this spot. Binoculars can be used to scan the heavy cover and spot big bucks. You will be able to zoom on a whitetail that is on your range and determine if it is time to shoot or not.
- Know your distance
When hunting for deer, a rangefinder is quite necessary no matter the firepower of your shooting gear. You need to find the approximate distance of the deer before making a perfect shot. Every shot should result in an ethical kill, and a using the best hunting rangefinder is your ultimate tool to assist you.
When hunting with the use of a bow, mark spots in 10-yard increments from the deer stand by the use of rangefinders before seeing any deer. You can also make use of small landmarks such as rock and other natural features. This way, you will know the approximate deer distance without making unnecessarily movements.
- Do not fear the dark
Most of your deer scouting and hunting will be done under a cloud of darkness. Consider carrying a flashlight with you. Other hunters may prefer using the headlamp. The headlamp allows you to have light while carrying your weapon or navigating through the bushes and climbing the stands. A light source will also warn the other deer hunters of your presence.
To get a better sneaking in an undetected way, try parking your items in a lighter manner as compared to parking many components that you will not necessarily use. It will be less tiring, and you will end up hunting more often. When you bring fewer items, you reduce your scent, and you can sneak easily and quietly. You will also be less likely spotted ion your hunting stand. Only park the most necessary items you need for your hunting adventure. Follow these six tips discussed above and you will have more success in this sport.
Also check out our research of best game cameras.