
Tips to Keep You and Your Hunting Dogs Tick and Flea Pest Free

Are fleas and ticks giving you and your dog a hard time even though you are taking some preventive measures? If so, the following simple yet effective tips will surely help you get rid of them:

Keep Tick and Flea Free

Clean your house

The most basic step toward a flea and tick free life is cleaning your house. You want to clean your house at least once every week. Pay special attention to the carpets and couches where your pet likes to spend time. Vacuum them as best as possible. Other than that, after bathing your pet, be sure to wash his or her towel well. In addition, be sure to clean the corners as nicely as you can. Also, clean or vacuum hard to reach areas like under your bed, behind your furniture etc. Prevention is much better than having to end up calling in a flea fumigation service.

Trim the yard

Usually, fleas and ticks do not form inside the house. They come from outside, usually from the yard. This is why it is important to keep your yard in a good shape at all times. Mow the grass and trim the shrubs so that the little critters cannot live there. Other than that, discourage feral pets from coming to your yard.

Shampoo your pet

To get rid of fleas and ticks, shampoo your pet once in a while. Note, however, that it is important to take into account your pet’s age before shampooing. Read product labels carefully to know the best practices. Also, avoid harmful or very strong products as well as you can. Moreover, before shampooing, cover your pet’s eyes and ears so that water cannot get in.

Use flea products

In case simple steps do not work, you will need to look at flea infestation repellents. Usually, just spraying them on your pet should be enough. However, note that not all repellents are good. Use only those repellents that are natural and free of DEET. You can take a look at homeopathic repellents, too.

Choose professional treatment

If almost nothing seems to work, you may require the help of professionals. There are many different kinds of flea and tick removal treatments available. One of the good professional treatments is house fumigation for fleas. It works by spraying fumes in an infected area. Even though this idea should be your last resort, its importance must not be ignored. If fleas and ticks are really giving you a hard time, flea fumigation will help you tremendously.


The most basic step toward a flea and tick free life is cleaning your house regularly. You want to clean your house at least once every week. Pay special attention to the carpets and couches where your pet likes to spend time. Vacuum them as best as possible. Other than that, after bathing your pet, be sure to wash his or her towel well. In addition, be sure to clean the corners as best as you can. Also, don’t forget about the hard to reach areas like under your bed, behind your furniture etc.

For the latest reviews on the best flea treatments for dogs UK visit www.dogwalkerinsurance.co.uk.

Prevention is much better than having to end up calling in a flea fumigation service.